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Replacing the end-of-life concept of the products of the linear economy, with new circular flows of reuse, restoration and renovation, in an integrated and systemic process, it is seen as a key element for the sustainability of the planet. circular economy at work in google data centers case study september 2016 authors: shobhit rana kate brandt. Butterfly diagram animation. The world population is growing and this is affecting the environment. It is a mirror image with the “biological materials” on the left side showing the return material stream in a biological system and the “technical materials” on the right side also showing the links back in the system. Products that are easy to maintain or repair and business models that facilitate sharing are unlocking new value for themselves and their customers. In a circular economy, materials circulate in two separate cycles: the bio-cycle and the techno-cycle. This ensures enhanced flows of goods and services. The distinction between these cycles helps to understand how materials can be used in a long-lasting and high quality way. In a linear economy, natural resources are extracted and combined to form consumable products. Make Fashion Circular Infographics. The butterfly diagram as shown in Figure 3, which encapsulates the biological and technical cycle of resource utilization, is a feedback read system. contents 1 introduction 2 background 3 scope 4 circular economy practices at google 5 chart adapted from emf butterfly diagram 6 conclusion. Prod-ID: INF-133-en. circular economy evolved after an internship I did myself last year. Waste does not exist, products are designed and optimized for a cycle of disassembly and reuse. The Butterfly Diagram fashioned by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation puts generating material loops at the forefront of the circular economy. Published 04 Dec 2019 Last modified 23 Nov 2020. Below you can see the Circular Economy concept illustrated by the “butterfly diagram”. The circular flow model in economics describes how resources, money, goods, and services flow through an economy. Circular metrics along the life cycle. Circular flow of income refers to the economic model describing the circular movement of money between Firms/Producers and households. MAISON DE LA PAIX Chemin Eugène-Rigot, 2B Case Postale 2075 CH-1211, Geneva 1 Tel: +41 (22) 839 3100 Fax: +41 (22) 839 3131. Download . Circular Flows Worksheet At its core, a circular economy means that products no longer have a life cycle with a beginning, middle, and end. The Ellen Macarthur Foundation is the organization that leads research, education and sets the agenda for Circular Economy. The circular economy has been proposed as a solution to the current ‘take, make and dispose’ economy, by designing waste out and preserving and recirculating resources within the economy. That needs to be reversed, exploring how digitalisation can link the two wings of the butterfly diagram. Explanation of the Butterfly Model Circular Economy. Circular Economy System Diagram. The circular economy can contribute by creating jobs, protecting the environment and promoting growth in Europe, but like any other paradigm shift, it needs to have citizens' interests at its core. Materials are part of … The Ellen MacArthur Foundation do a lot of important work on the circular economy (I’d recommend looking at their website if you’d like to know more) and have created this diagram to illustrate the circular economy system- it’s sometimes called the butterfly diagram. Follow us. A butterfly sums it up: It can be a symbol of biodiversity, fragility, the capacity for transformation, or a diagram of the type of economy that we should aim for. use for a circular economy. The Foundation2 identifies four levers of value creation in the circular economy, all of which can be visualised using the butterfly diagram: May 17, 2021 - The Butterfly Diagram is a powerful tool that helps us to understand the application of the Circular Economy model in practice. Recall the “butterfly” diagram from the earlier posting on the circular economy. Circular Economy Butterfly diagram, Ellen MacArthur Foundation The opportunity arose at the CE100 Acceleration workshop in Oakland, California, in 2018. Waste hierarchy essential for the circular economy. energy and materials) are needed. However, after Doi Moi (1986), waves of industrialisation and urbanisation placed the country in a different situation, covering economic, social, and cultural elements. In many cases, discussions about circular economy focus on the technological cycle while forgetting about the biological cycle. The circular economy in 'butterfly diagram' Friday 17 November 2017 The most common representation of the circular economy. An outline of a circular economy. Developing a circular economy will require overhauling almost every aspect of industry, and you can take direct action to help invent a sustainable, circular economy. There is more history on this on the website under circular economy. Butterfly Diagram - Source: “Growth within” (2015) - Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey Center for Business and Environment CIRCULAR ECONOMY - ASSUMPTIONS AND KEY POINTS (1) 1) “Design out waste” - As mentioned, in this model, the “waste concept” becomes increasingly obsolete. The theoretical framework that we use for explaining the Circular Built Environment in this course is based on its principles. The higher a product stays in the hierarchy, the more value is retained. This diagram resembles a butterfly (as in the morpho butterfly shown for comparison), hence the name, although in some countries it is also called the hourglass diagram. Figure 2-1. Circularity and the circular economy address this lack of cycling and define a clear place “under the umbrella” about how to manage the transition. The micro and macro level analysis was done to two sectors, automobiles and buildings, in France. Butterfly diagram animation. Such an economy is based on a few simple principles, as shown in the butterfly diagram. Both the European Union and countries like the Netherlands have set very ambitious goals. Download presentation (pdf – size: 1,4 Mb) Climbing Lansink’s Ladder. A circular economy is fundamentally different from a linear economy. to open up the floor to discussions, views and co-creation approaches that will ensure an inclusive Circular Economy is being designed within any markets. Circular economy and the matter of integrated resources. Caviar to Cardboard Project - Diagram Showing the Loop of Resources Established But creating a true circular economy is, well, a bit more complicated. The main target of cascading and circular economy is an increased resource efficiency at less demand On one hand (left side of the diagram), there are flows of biological nutrients How does a Circular Economy work? When designing a product aim to prioritise the inner loops of the circular economy. There is a huge gap between the broad concept of circular economy (CE) and its practical implementation in the industrial sector due to several types of barriers, which shall be led back to the lack of consistent and precise information about resources, products, and processes. The Butterfly Diagram (Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation) ..... 14 Figure 2-3. Twitter; Circular economy is the idea of an economic system that is designed to regenerate again and again. use for a circular economy. The Principle of Circular Economy is Based on 3 Principles which are: (See the Butterfly Diagram) Principle 1) – Preserve and enhance natural capital by controlling finite stocks and balancing renewable resource flows. The circular economy butterfly diagram . But the question is, when do we start creating Circular Value? The diagram captures the flow of materials and products, adding an element of financial value. Now that we visualise our human roles in-between these two spheres, we are able to grasp the value generated by these spheres. Jun 10, 2020 - The Butterfly Diagram is a powerful tool that helps us to understand the application of the Circular Economy model in practice. Designing waste out of products as part of the Circular Rs framework is where the circular economy really comes into play. You can see that there are two distinct flows. For example, Ellen MacArthur’s Butterfly Diagram is commonly used to illustrate the separation of technical and organic flows in a circular economy, whilst Circle Economy’s Seven key … Butterfly diagram by EMF (2015) ..... 72 Table 15. This butterfly diagram is really useful to see how these three principles can be upheld by the circular economy. Figure 2 – Ellen MacArthur “butterfly” diagram to outline a Circular Economy That’s why the government has developed the Government-wide programme for a Circular Economy. HumanSphere Business Models Valuing Humans first in a Circular Economy (This is a follow-up of the previous Circular Economy 2.0 (the Foundations), Don't … Topics: Policy instruments Resource efficiency and … 6 The circular economy: Moving from theory to practice Special edition, October 016 Part one What the research says: Seven conclusions To create the report, we conducted more than 150 interviews, devised an economic model, and undertook the largest comparative study to date of the employment impact of a circular-economy transition. circular economy in a google data center … The ‘’butterfly diagram” by the Ellen Macarthur Foundation. Is there any tipping point to pass by? economy in industry is shown in the circular economy butterfly diagram.1 The waste and resources sector in the United Kingdom has been actively following the butterfly diagram approach, particularly in the outer circles (recycling, composting, anaerobic digestion, and the … A circular economy seeks to rebuild capital, whether this is financial, manufactured, human, social or natural. Braungart and William McDonough6, the Foundation developed the butterfly diagram (Figure 1) to visualise the concept of materials cycling through the system, both technical and biological. Such thinking is informed by the profoundly un-ecological neoliberal economic doctrine of ‘scaling-up’ and ‘globalising’. In the Netherlands we want to be 50% circular by 2030, and fully circular by 2050. The biological loops contain cycles of biodegradable resources, which can naturally regenerate. The Circular Cleveland initiative is being funded by a $476,000 grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation as part of a $3 million program to address the … Circular economy system diagram. Foundation’s “butterfly” diagram, developed in 2012, is broadly seen as the most comprehensive depiction to date.3 The main elements are: Regenerative by design. A butterfly sums it up: It can be a symbol of biodiversity, fragility, the capacity for transformation, or a diagram of the type of economy that we should aim for. A butterfly sums it up: It can be a symbol of biodiversity, fragility, the capacity for transformation, or a diagram of the type of economy that we should aim for. was able to cover the biological materials circle of the circular economy butterfly diagram. An adaptation of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's original. Source: WBCSD (2018)..... 74 Table 16. These material loops can occur at any point of the supply or consumer chain process, and depends on design to remove negative externalities or … A general rule of thumb is: if a material has to go through less process steps for reuse, the higher the […] Any guidance to follow to be able to claim that our solution is truly circular, cre… The Circular Economy: Butterflies and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Regenerate natural systems: the circular economy preserves and enhances renewable resources, for instance using renewable energy instead of fossil fuels. CONTACT. A leading expert on the topic, Ellen MacArthur explains circular economy based on the butterfly diagram pictured below, emphasizing three core principles that are vital to the circular model: design out waste and pollution, keep products and materials in use, and regenerate natural systems. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation enables co-projects between members of the CE100 at these events, and I decided to pitch an update of the methodology to the other members. Circular Economy Butterfly diagram, Ellen MacArthur Foundation The opportunity arose at the CE100 Acceleration workshop in Oakland, California, in 2018. “an economy that is restorative and regenerative by design.” The circular economy – The Ellen MacArthur butterfly diagram. To ensure there’s enough food, water and prosperity in 2050, we need to switch from a linear to a circular economy. In a circular economy, we close the cycles of all these raw materials. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation has tried to capture the essence of the circular economy in the diagram below, which is somewhat understandably nicknamed the ‘butterfly diagram’. The Circular Economy: Butterflies and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. There has been a lot of talk about the need for a transition towards a circular economy. Circular Economy Program. Unfortunately, I needed to work out this masters dissertation during the COVID-19 crisis. Signal-flow graph connecting the inputs x (left) to the outputs y that depend on them (right) for a "butterfly" step of a radix-2 Cooley–Tukey FFT. The circular economy is oftentimes visualized in a butterfly diagram with two wings which represent two loops: the biological loop and the technical loop. It shows the most common areas for … The Circular Economy Hierarchy diagram shows how it is possible to retain and add value within the technical cycle. To put it simply, in a linear economy we mine raw materials that we process into a product that is thrown away after use. ELLEN MAC ARTHUR_ EXPLANATION ABOUT BUTTERFLY DIAGRAM. The circular economy – The Ellen MacArthur butterfly diagram. Week 2 will establish the need for a systems-based approach to circular economy. According to the Waste and Resources Action Programme , a circular economy is an economy in which we keep resources in use for as long as possible, extract the maximum value from them whilst in use, then recover and regenerate products and materials at the end of each service life. In fact, 74% of interviewees indicated that their company had their own framework for measuring circularity. This diagram from the Ellen Macarthur Foundation, sometimes called the “butterfly diagram”, illustrates resource flows in a circular economy. Regenerate natural systems. According to the Waste and Resources Action Programme , a circular economy is an economy in which we keep resources in use for as long as possible, extract the maximum value from them whilst in use, then recover and regenerate products and materials at the end of each service life. But the consumer actions that support a circular economy are mostly familiar and simple. Chaired by The circular economy doesn’t benefit only the natural environment and people; it also benefits businesses and the economy as a whole. the circular economy. Circular economy implementation is shaped by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's butterfly diagram that depicts ‘biological’ and ‘technical’ flows as separate cycles, subsequently interpreted as organic materials circulating in open loop systems via the environment and inorganic materials circulating in closed loop systems within society. Such a model is also called a two-sector economy, as it only considers two sectors, household and firms. The circular economy can contribute by creating jobs, protecting the environment and promoting growth in Europe, but like any other paradigm shift, it needs to have citizens' interests at its core. Keep products and materials in use. The circular economy systems diagram created by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation is called the Butterfly Diagram, and it shows how both technical and biological materials flow in a circular economy. A widely accepted definition of CE is given by The Ellen MacArthur Foundation, a global thought leader, with the aim of accelerating the transition towards a circular model.They define CE as: "Looking beyond the current 'take, make and dispose' extractive industrial model, CE is restorative and regenerative by design. The framework developed on this basis, the so-called “butterfly diagram”, is often referred to as a central framework for the circular economy. Retention of value. When materials stop being used, they … Therefore, they contribute less waste and can actually add value to their ecosystem. 6 The circular economy: Moving from theory to practice Special edition, October 016 Part one What the research says: Seven conclusions To create the report, we conducted more than 150 interviews, devised an economic model, and undertook the largest comparative study to date of the employment impact of a circular-economy transition. EMF defines a technical and a biological cycle — the so-called “butterfly” diagram illustrating how, in a circular economy, products are designed to enable “cycles of disassembly and reuse” and thus reducing or eliminating waste, see below from … Circular economy performance indicator themes..... 76 . Ideally, any economy can be classified as either linear or circular. Based on renewable materials and energy, the circular economy seeks to maintain and enhance natural resources. A circular economy (also referred to as "circularity") is an economic system aimed at eliminating waste and the continual use of resources. This forms a linear structure with the respective beginning and ending points. The aim is to ensure healthy and safe living and working conditions, and cause less harm to the … The Circular Economy Butterfly Diagram (Ellen MacArthur Foundation 2013). ELLEN MAC ARTHUR_ EXPLANATION ABOUT BUTTERFLY DIAGRAM. The maximum economic value of most circular economy systems can be achieved by the strategies in the “inner loops” of the butterfly diagram. These inner loops include strategies such as minimising material use, using products more heavily, reuse, and remanufacturing. economy in industry is shown in the circular economy butterfly diagram.1 The waste and resources sector in the United Kingdom has been actively following the butterfly diagram approach, particularly in the outer circles (recycling, composting, anaerobic digestion, and the … Circular Economy is a strategic concept based on the reduction, reuse, recovery and recycling of materials and energy. The Ellen Macarthur Foundation is the organization that leads research, education and sets the agenda for Circular Economy. One way of describing it is using the following three principles: Design out waste and pollution. However, the current state of the circular economy is that only They developed the Butterfly Diagram, which is the essence of the circular economy. The Circular Cleveland initiative is being funded by a $476,000 grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation as part of a $3 million program to address the … ... Below is the classic “butterfly diagram,” developed by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation in partnership with the authors of Cradle to Cradle. Ellen MacArthur Foundation Circular Economy Diagram. The next most referenced circular economy framework was Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s “butterfly diagram” at 24%. An outline of a circular economy. Ask Ad: climbing Lansink’s Ladder The importance of the Butterfly Diagram is in assigning, which circular economy function provides the most value. The system diagram illustrates the continuous flow of … They developed the Butterfly Diagram, which is the essence of the circular economy. Resource Efficiency Sustainable Public Procurement Source: EMF 2013 Towards the circular economy Report 1 The main reason for focusing on the technical materials in this module is that the role of procurement is more explicit with technical The diagram (Figure 1) demonstrates a correlation between two subsystems: the biosphere and technosphere. Late last year, the City of Cleveland and Cleveland Neighborhood Progress announced the launch of Circular Cleveland, a two-year initiative to develop and implement circular economy strategies and programs in Cleveland. Circular systems employ reuse, sharing, repair, refurbishment, remanufacturing and recycling to create a closed-loop system, minimising the use of resource inputs and the creation of waste, pollution and carbon emissions. Late last year, the City of Cleveland and Cleveland Neighborhood Progress announced the launch of Circular Cleveland, a two-year initiative to develop and implement circular economy strategies and programs in Cleveland. The value of goods and materials is kept This internship sparkled my interest in the technological aspects of an organisation and I am grateful that I was able to combine this interest with the transition towards a circular economy. Presentation on the Third International Conference on Waste Management in 2015 in Pisa held by Ad Lansink on the relation between Lansink´s Ladder and the concept of circular economy. Visit the Circular Design Workshop page to find out what is covered in this class.. We have a selection of workshops to choose from, starting with our ½ day mini series for busy people or the deep-dive 1 or 2 day workshops. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation enables co-projects between members of the CE100 at these events, and I decided to pitch an update of the methodology to the other members. Just over half (54%) of the world’s population of 7.3 billion people live in urban areas, a proportion that is … The Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s “butterfly diagram”. Author links open overlay panel Anne P.M. Velenturf a Sophie A. Archer b Helena I. Gomes c Beate Christgen d Alfonso J. Lag-Brotons e Anne P.M. Velenturf a Sophie A. Archer b Helena I. Gomes c Beate Christgen d Alfonso J. Lag-Brotons e The Ellen MacArthur Foundation was one of the pioneers in promoting the Circular Economy. First, at its core, a circular economy aims to design out waste. The additional materials and energy related feedback loops illustrated so often in the circular economy “butterfly” diagram can be seen as a reflection of the possibilities emerging from this digital revolution. Our aim is to establish the Cradle to Cradle® design principles for the circular economy in all industry sectors, including textile , packaging , automotive , buildings , consumables and cosmetics . 3d Printing within the Circular Economy: Adaption of the Butterfly Diagram (Ad Van Wijk,2014) As you can see in the graphic above (Source: Van Wijk, 2015 ) 3d Printing can contribute also in other parts of the circular economy system: especially in maintenance, reuse, remanufacturing and recycling of products and goods. For example, maintaining a product’s use-cycle through repair extends the resource and economic value instead of discarding the product for recycling. In this respect, the Bioeconomy Strategy has been anticipating main concepts that were subsequently further developed in the Circular Economy Package, as applied to the biological resource. A common mistake is to speak and think of ‘circular economy’ or ‘regenerative culture’ as a singular. Closing these cycles requires much more than just recycling. Infographic. In a single image, we have a holistic view of the main assumptions of the model, the proposed changes and the various solutions that facilitate the transition. After when a product is sold and consumed entirely, it is considered as a waste in the end. The biological cycle comprises of biological materials like textiles, fruits, and foods that could be regenerated into the circular … Circular economy hype cycle. The very means through which we can imagine prosperity in a circular economy is through a digital-meets-systems perspective. of the circular economy and is mostly a part of it. Interviewees rarely … Trade organisations might transition to a Circular Economy, defined by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation as “based on the principles of designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use, and regenerating natural systems”2. Can a material safely re-enter the natural … View on the Ellen MacArthur Foundation website. The diagram captures the flow of materials and products, adding an element of financial value. In a single image, we have a holistic view of the main assumptions of the model, the proposed changes and the various solutions that facilitate the transition. The butterfly diagram as shown in Figure 3, which encapsulates the biological and technical cycle of resource utilization, is a feedback read system. Biological and technical material flows. Stahel’s work generally proposed four major goals: product-life extension, long-life goods, reconditioning activities and waste prevention. Andreas Beckmann explains the circular economy: “I have found the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s “butterfly diagram” to be a useful framework for explaining a circular economy. social and environmental production and consumption that aims to build a sustainable society based on a circular model. Whereas the lower we go along the hierarchy the more external inputs (i.e. Diagram Showing Application of a Circular Economy (Source: NATURE Volume 531) 10 Figure 2-2. In order for economies to thrive, there must be movement, energy, and life. Reviews 1. Explain the butterfly diagram of circularity through technical and biological cycles of products and resources and demonstrate its application in real life cases Understand the opportunities to drive circular value across the life cycles of products and processes and examine business models that could support circularity

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Articlescircular economy butterfly diagram explanation